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Celebration of Learning 2023 Poster Presentations II

1-2:15 p.m., Gerber Center G?vle rooms



Chloe Quin

¡ú COVID-19 and Hamsters: Characterizing the Complement System - CFB (Quin)

Presented by Chloe Quin; advisors Dr. Stephanie Fuhr, Dr. Zhongde Wang, Dr. Yanan Liu
Poster 2; Biology

The golden Syrian hamster has emerged as a model of choice to study COVID-19 because hamsters are highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and develop similar respiratory diseases to those observed in COVID-19 patients. Also similar to humans, where overreaction by the complement system is associated with the severity of disease, our preliminary studies showed that some components in the hamster complement system are also overactive following SARS-CoV-2 infection. The complement system consists of approximately twenty proteins that are usually inactive, but the activation of these proteins occurs through the presence of bacteria, viruses or other pathogens. This results in a series of biochemical reactions in which one factor is activated and, in a cascade fashion, the next factor is then activated. This systematic activation of the complement system is critical for the immune system to fend off pathogens, which is also the case during SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans, where the complement system works to contain the virus. However, the overreaction of the complement system triggers a full-body inflammatory response which can be fatal in humans. Therefore, our goal is to develop therapies by inhibiting the overreaction of the complement system to better protect the infected host against mortality. My poster focuses on characterizing the gene of complement factor B (CFB), which is involved in the alternative pathway of the complement system. This pathway is triggered when the C3b protein binds to a microbe, allowing the binding of CFB. Using methods including PCR, TA cloning, ligation, and transformation, the whole CDS of CFB was identified and sequenced successfully. These results provide insights to determine the usefulness of Syrian hamsters as model animals.



Mason Hurless

¡ú An Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Procedure for Benzylic Bromination (Hurless)

Presented by Mason Hurless; advisor Dr. Jose Boquin
Poster 3; Chemistry

Benzylic bromination reactions are valuable tools for the synthesis of complex molecules,
however methods typically involve toxic and environmentally dangerous reagents. To improve
on current methods of benzylic bromination, a system of KBr/Oxone, H2O/CH3CN, and heat are
used to brominate the benzylic position of para substituted toluene derivatives. This procedure
succeeds at efficiency and environmental friendliness as it uses nonhalogenated solvents and safe
reagents to complete benzylic bromination. This method was successful to brominate 100% of
1.0 mmol of 4-chlorotoluene to 4-chlorobenzyl bromide in 30 mins. Various para substituted
toluene derivatives were evaluated for a trend based on electron withdrawing or donating group
strength of the substituent, and one could not be found. However, halogen substituents at the
para position were successfully brominated. This procedure has been optimized for percent yield
and will be implemented into Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø's chemistry curriculum.



Anima Upadhyay
Brooke Ziegenhorn
Caleb Stone
Jonah Snelling
Christoph Meysen

¡ú Analyzing the New Economic Democracy in Nepal (Upadhyay)

Presented by Anima Upadhyay; advisor Dr. Chris Marm¨¦
Poster 4; Economics

I am planning on writing about the economical disability that Nepal went through after the
downfall of the 200 years reign of the Shah Dynasty in Nepal. As a new democracy, there have
been economic blockage from the neighboring country, India, 2015 Nepal Earthquake, Global
pandemic in 2020 and much political instability.

¡ú Socioeconomic Status and Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø Graduation Rates in Ecuador (Ziegenhorn)

Presented by Brooke Ziegenhorn; advisor Dr. Chris Marm¨¦
Poster 5; Economics

I will be discussing the impacts of socioeconomic status on college graduation rates. The access the citizens have to education, and what the government is doing to resolve these issues.

¡ú How Bitcoin's Volatility Impacts El Salvador (Stone)

Presented by Caleb Stone; advisor Dr. Chris Marm¨¦
Poster 6; Economics

On June 5th, 2021 El Salvador's President announced a bill to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. The country has been purchasing the digital currency although it seems unstable. The volatility may negatively impact El Salvador's economy for many years to come.

¡ú Comparing Development Success Stories by Country (Snelling)

Presented by Jonah Snelling; advisor Dr. Chris Marm¨¦
Poster 7; Economics

After learning in depth about the development success story of the United States in ECON-404, I am going to present a comparison of success stories such as China, South Korea, and Japan, to less successful cases such as India and Nigeria and identify key systemic and cultural differences that contributed to their current status.

¡ú Angloamerican Neoliberalism and the "Lost Decade" in 1980s Latin America (Meysen)

Presented by Christoph Meysen; advisor Dr. Chris Marm¨¦
Poster 8; Economics

In my research paper for the class ECON 406 Development Economics I want to explore the effects of the neoliberal Reaganomics-like approach to economic policy that many developing and emerging countries in Latin America adopted in the 1980s and 1990s. A neoliberal approach to economic policy is based on the belief that an economy operates most efficiently if governmental intervention is minimized to a bare minimum, giving corporations free reign in their pricing policies, ways of operating and consolidating practices. A neoliberal approach is also based on the assumption that free, undisturbed markets are able to stabilize themselves and maximize collective welfare. Arguably the economist most prominantly associated with neoliberalism is Milton Friedman who inspired Margret Thatcher in Britain and Ronald Reagan in the US to neoliberalize economic policy in the 1980s. This trend spread around the world and was not only adopted by other highly industrialized economies, but by many developing and emerging economies as well. The research I am conducting puts a special focus on the role of the IMF and World Bank during this period of widespread global neoliberlism. Using the 3E model and other concepts of development economics, my research is going to analyze the effects of reduced government spending / public investments, reduced social welfare and financial for the poor, weaker pricing controls, reduced foreign aid, reduced foreign direct investment and more unregulated financial markets on Brazil's economy in the 1980s and 1990s. I am essentially going to analyze the economic causes for what is commonly referred to as the "lost decade".


Engineering Physics/Physics

William Murillo and Feven Ferede

¡ú APS-IDEA Peer Mentoring Program (Murillo, Ferede)

Presented by William Murillo, Feven Ferede; advisor Dr. Cecilia Vogel, Dr. Nathan Frank
Poster 27; Engineering Physics/Physics

Since the Fall of 2020, a student-led Peer Mentoring Program was developed for students in the Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy Department. This program came into fruition due to a need to better connect students with each other during and after the pandemic as well as how to build community with an increasingly diverse student body. Everybody wants to feel included and welcomed! A national group, American Physical Society Inclusion Diversity and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA), along with a local group at Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø facilitate this program. The program includes professional development and social activities. Our APS-IDEA local group decided on a peer mentorship where junior and senior students are paired with first-year and sophomore students. Juniors and seniors are also paired with alumni to assist with their professional plans after their time at Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø. APS-IDEA's initiative has been instrumental in fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for students with a focus on professional development and community-building, which has created a platform for students to exchange ideas and receive support.



Alexa Perrow
Kyle Sadowski
Hannah Johnson
Samantha Swartz
Mari Kelley
Bailey Willis

¡ú Analysis of Cave Bear Diet and Life Mode Through Examination of Skull Features (Perrow)

Presented by Alexa Perrow; advisor Dr. Kelsey Arkle
Poster 9; Geology

Ursus spelaeus, more commonly known as the European cave bear, was a Pleistocene species of bear that lived in a wide range of habitats from Spain to Siberia. Unlike most other modern bears, U. spelaeus has been described as being almost entirely herbivorous, though the type of vegetation that they fed on likely varied depending on where they were living. Some researchers hypothesize that a major factor contributing to the cave bear's extinction was its restricted diet, which could have limited its food options when late-Pleistocene climate change led to global shifts in vegetation, ultimately leading to its extinction. Since diet may have been an important control on their demise, the goal of this research was to determine the types of foods U. spelaeus was consuming by studying the upper carnassial (premolar) teeth of preserved U. spelaeus skulls and comparing their wear patterns to those present on extant brown and black bear skulls. 

A nearly complete U. spelaeus skull was available in the Fryxell Geology Museum at Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø in Rock Island, IL, and this served as the primary specimen of study. An additional isolated carnassial tooth that is on display at the Fryxell Geology Museum was also studied. Molds of the isolated tooth were taken using dental putty and high resolution resin was used to create a cast of each surface of the tooth. Casts were then imaged using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to look for evidence and patterns of microwear. Patterns of U. spelaeus microwear and macrowear were then compared to those of extant Ursus species whose diets are known, to determine similarities and differences. As of the time of writing, these analyses are ongoing.

¡ú Bathymetric and Water Quality Survey of Three Lakes in Cook County, Illinois (Sadowski)

Presented by Kyle Sadowski; advisor Dr. Jeffrey C. Strasser
Poster 10; Geology

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Cook County Bureau of Technology (BOT), collected bathymetry and water-quality data from numerous lakes throughout Cook County, Illinois, in the summer of 2022. The primary objective of this study was to create a water-resources inventory of the surveyed characteristics for an initial baseline and future comparison by the Cook County BOT. Bathymetry data was collected using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and processed and developed into bathymetric maps using a geographic information system (GIS). Additional water-quality data collected using multi-parameter sondes include: temperature, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance. To possibly identify similarities with bathymetry, water quality, and land usage, three lakes, Tampier Lake, Busse Woods Reservoir, and Saganashkee Slough were studied further. The pH of water from Tampier Lake and Busse Woods Reservoir were 8.1 and 8.0, respectively. Tampier Lake had a substantially higher specific conductance of 1,160 microsiemens per centimeter (?S/cm), compared to 616 ?S/cm from Busse Woods Reservoir. Both lakes are relatively shallow (less than 2.0 meters deep) and lie within natural kettled wetlands, surrounded by residential development. Tampier Lake has agricultural areas within its watershed, while the watershed of Busse Woods Reservoir has highways and commercial areas. Both lakes exhibited considerable algae growth at the time of the study. In contrast to Tampier Lake and Busse Woods Reservoir, Saganashkee Slough, an artificial lake of similar depth with mostly forested and wetland areas within its watershed, had a pH of 7.6, specific conductance of 641 ?S/cm, and substantially less algae.

¡ú Paleoart Reconstruction of the Cistecephalid Dicynodont Kembwacela kitchingi (Johnson)

Presented by Hannah Johnson; advisor Dr. Kelsey Arkle
Poster 11; Geology

Dicynodonts were non-mammalian synapsids known for their burrowing capabilities and are among the least researched taxa in the paleontological field. They provide information on the evolution of both mammals and reptiles, but specimens are rare, and most are incomplete. The ~255 Ma Cistecephalid Dicynodont Kembwacela kitchingi from Zambia, is a recent discovery from 2009 that is an important part of the discussion relating to the evolution of this group. There are five specimen that have been found including two deformed skulls, part of the spine and pelvis, and an almost complete skeleton missing the anterior spine, tail, and the majority if the back legs. Due to the lack of complete specimens, the living forms of these organisms - as interpreted through paleoart reconstructions - is also lacking. This makes it hard to determine the physiology and life modes of K. kitchingi and what it may have looked like compared to other Dicynodonts, making it more difficult to determine its significance in the evolutionary lineage. To bridge the gap between scientists, and to educate the public, a detailed paleobiological analysis was undertaken and a paleoart reconstruction was made to fulfill those needs. The reconstruction is made using both comparative anatomy with modern taxa and a biomechanical approach. The final reconstruction will provide a reference for paleontologists to use while conducting research, as well as allow the general public to better understand the morphology and phylogeny of this somewhat enigmatic group.

¡ú Garnet-Biotite Composition as a Geothermometer of Schist: Black Hills, South Dakota (Swartz)

Presented by Samantha Swartz; advisor Dr. Kelsey Arkle
Poster 12; Geology

The minerals garnet and biotite found in metamorphic rocks can be used to determine temperatures under which a rock has formed, due to a temperature dependent Fe-Mg exchange between these coexisting minerals. As temperatures increase, iron levels should increase within garnets while magnesium levels decrease and vice versa within biotite. The objective of this research is to analyze changes in garnet and biotite compositions along a transect in order to potentially record a change in metamorphic conditions. The amount of Fe and Mg was determined through scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of garnet and biotite in one sample of metapelites from the southern Precambrian core of the Black Hills, South Dakota, between Mount Rushmore and Sheridan Lake. The ratio between the two elements was then determined and applied to the garnet-biotite geothermometer (Spear, 2023). The temperature of peak metamorphism found in the sample closest to Mount Rushmore displays temperatures averaging at about 475¡ã C with a standard deviation of 50. The temperature and mineral composition of the sample falls somewhere between the greenschist and amphibolite
metamorphic facies.

¡ú Comparing Lab Grown and Naturally Grown Gypsum: A Study of Gypsum Growth Morphologies ?(Kelley)

Presented by Mari Kelley; advisor Dr. Michael Wolf
Poster 13; Geology

Gypsum, CaSO?* 2H?O, is created through evaporation of water that leaves behind molecules that bond to nucleate and precipitate a gypsum crystal. Gypsum can grow quickly from hypersaline brines and slowly from high pressure solutions within rock fractures. This project asks whether unique features of natural gypsum samples can be replicated in lab grown gypsum morphologies to help discern particular depositional environments. Growth morphologies of gypsum sampled from natural environments were compared to lab experiments using a Scanning Electron Microscope. Modern brine samples studied were from Bonaire, a municipality of the Netherlands in the Caribbean Sea. Gypsum grown in Bonaire has clusters of large crystals around smaller crystals, moving outward from the center in an equant columnar habit. Many formations exposed in Wyoming exhibit gypsum veins, including the Triassic Chugwater Formation. Experiments took place to determine what conditions produced morphologies most similar to natural samples. Lab experiments found that open glass vessels allowed for the most evaporation and produced the most extensive crystal growth. Experiments used a sous vide to heat a supersaturated solution to a constant temperature of 100 ¡ãF. Using Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø's SEM, BSE/SE merged images were generated and stitched together to compare morphologies on the micrometer scale. Lab experiments produced clusters of gypsum crystals up to 5 mm of mostly platy morphologies with individual crystals growing as monoclinic rhombs. Lab grown crystals were found to have similarities in crystal morphologies but, because of the solubility of gypsum, do not have the ability in a controlled environment to form the same way crystals grown in natural environments do.

¡ú Establishing Constraints on Taphonomic Inertia in Shallow Marine Sediments: St. Croix, USVI (Willis)

Presented by Bailey Willis; advisor Dr. Kelsey Arkle
Poster 14; Geology

"Significant ecological changes in marine environments can result in measurable shifts in the biodiversity of flora and fauna in these ecosystems. If taxa involved in the shift are preservable, they may leave a record of the biotic transition in the subfossil (and eventually fossil) record, allowing researchers to determine the type and extent of change over time. Application of live/dead fidelity techniques is an effective method of determining the extent to which shallow marine biota have deviated from their so-called ""baseline"" states. One challenge with this method, however, lies in the fact that death (subfossil) assemblages eventually equilibrate to such changes in biodiversity, eventually adjusting to a new ""baseline"" state; in other words, there is an upper limit on the amount of time a death assemblage preserves. The delay between the time when changes occur in the life assemblage, and when they are reflected in the death assemblage is referred to as taphonomic inertia (TI); if death assemblages are to be used to track ecological change, then constraining TI has important implications for conservation ecology.

A primary aim of this work was to quantify the strength of taphonomic inertia by constructing a geochronological framework using a set of death assemblages collected from St. Croix, USVI. Since taphonomic inertia is impacted by the degree of time averaging - the extent to which individuals from multiple generations are mixed in the same layer - in a system, determining the degree of time-averaging was important. By comparing the known variation in live/dead fidelity across each of the historical sampling periods (1980, 2002, 2011, and 2012) with the calculated degree of time-averaging, we hope to establish estimates of the strength of taphonomic inertia."



Caroline Sorenson

¡ú Location-based Perspectives: Climate Change and Renewable Energy Implementation in Suburban Areas (Sorenson)

Presented by Caroline Sorenson; advisor Dr. Christopher Strunk
Poster 16; Geography

Around the world, communities are experiencing the impacts of climate change droughts, famine, and extreme rainfall. In the Midwest, climate change impacts might look like warmer wetter winters and hotter drier summers (Reynolds, 2019) which varies from other peoples' experience with changing climate. My Senior Inquiry research project examines how location impacts people's perceptions of climate change and their sense of place, or emotional attachment to a place or location based on personal experiences. By looking at how a community interacts with their environment, geographers can gauge how easily a community is willing to embrace change. My research focuses on suburban communities in the Midwest because the negative impacts of climate change are less obvious compared to large urban areas and can add to our understanding of climate change perceptions and perceived risks. To examine perceptions of place and climate change, I conducted random survey research with residents in Barrington, IL, and Bettendorf, IA using a Likert scale. In conjunction with the mail-in surveys, I also conducted informal interviews with environmental advocates in each community to provide context to the surveys. The most important findings from my research include significant differences in how people perceive their vulnerability to climate change between Barrington and Bettendorf. The implication of my research shows how sense of place can influence a communities view of the world around them.


Environmental Studies

Holly Chesney and Paige Lundborg

¡ú Assessment of the Health of Riparian Zones in the Silver Creek Watershed (Chesney, Lundborg)

Presented by Holly Chesney and Paige Lundborg; advisors Dr. Kevin Geedey, Dr. Sarah Lashley, Dr. Michael Reisner
Poster 15; Environmental Studies

Riparian zones provide insight on the health of a watershed while acting as a biodiversity hotspot for species and provide many ecosystem services including erosion control, flood management, filtering sediment from runoff, nutrient cycling, and recreation. This leads to our research question of what is the overall health of the riparian zones across the Silver Creek watershed? Silver Creek in Davenport, Iowa is a tributary of Duck Creek which flows directly into the Mississippi River. Seven sites along Silver Creek were assessed for riparian zone health. At these sites, tree diversity, herbaceous understory classifications, presence of invasives, land use, recruitment of riparian zone trees, and lateral connectivity were investigated. At each site point quarter and line point methods were used. Each side of the bank had three transects running perpendicular to the creek. Across three points on this transect, mature and sapling tree species and their diameters were measured. Additionally, the presence of invasives were assessed across these transects. Across these transects, herbaceous understory diversity and land use was recorded as well. A report card was used to determine if each site had good, moderate, or poor levels for the measured parameters. Riparian health, as assessed by our report card, was mixed.  While invasive shrubs were at low density at most sites, tree diversity was relatively moderate. The recruitment of riparian zone trees was only moderate, in spite of the fact that most sites maintained a wide riparian buffer that was predominantly forested. Finally, at all sites, lateral conductivity was poor. This data indicates that there are ecological transitions occurring at many of these sites, and may require restoration effeorts. 


Environmental Science

Dr. Bohdan Dziadyk

¡ú As Long as It Takes ¨C A commentary on the Russian war on Ukraine (Dziadyk)

Presented by Dr. Bohdan Dziadyk
Poster 28; Environmental Science

The roots of the recent unprovoked Russian aggression on its neighbor Ukraine run deep. In this poster I attempt a fusion of personal and historical commentary on the situation as my knowledge permits. The personal component is scanty because I have never met or been in contact with a blood relative beyond immediate family in my life. All I know is what my parents imparted to my siblings and me as children growing up after our emigration from Germany to America in 1950. The historical and cultural components of my ancestral Ukrainian homeland and much of Eastern Europe are well known to many historians but not so much by average Americans. The selection by Time Magazine of its Person of the Year for 2022 of President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Spirit of Ukraine, in addition to other magazine articles, are helping to broaden American understanding and appreciation of Eastern Europe and Asia. In addition, both political and military leaders among other commentators both wise and otherwise have spoken about the ongoing situation. The governments of both the United States and Great Britain have promised to aid Ukraine for ¡°as long as it takes¡± to ensure its security until it can stand on its own or successfully negotiate a viable peace plan. One  commentator of note, U.S. Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, has spoken of the necessary four elements for a satisfactory outcome for Ukraine. The country must take back all of its sovereign territory including Crimea and the four eastern occupied oblasts. The thousands of children abducted by Russia must be returned. There must be accountability for Russian war crimes. And there must be security guarantees going forward when the fighting ends for the rebuilding of Ukraine. Clearly these ideals will require vast resources, effort, sacrifice, time and assistance to achieve, yet having come so far, what other choice is open to President Zelensky and the Spirit of Ukraine?


Business Administration

Austin Ford, Jett Gillum, Michael Ninni, Erica Ansburg, Lauren Lendvay
James Macklin, Brayden Macdonald, Amanda Page, Trevor Moore, Bella Provinzino
Patrick Miller, Carter Duwa, Joe Morris, Patrick Miller, Joe Addison, Jack Bathje
Daniel Carr, Kate Martino, Amber Johnson, Eric Adams, Erik Singdahlsen
Matt Hanushewsky, Colin Stapleton, Giovanni Monte, Ella Winn. Lavie Pham
Alayna Hawes, Bjarki St?le, Mikel Navajas, Nicholas Phillips, Ricardo Iniguez
Bemnet Melese, Jalane Tsague, Albert Buvary, Ly Nguyen, Hildana Teklegiorgis
Logan Pearce, Brett David, Ethan Taylor, Austin Ford, Collin Mendoza, Mauricio Escarria, Reid McNeill
Adamec, Gubbins, Alvarez, Martinez, Pearson, Dyer

¡ú 401(k): Your Future Self Will Thank You! (Ford, Gillum, Ninni, Ansburg, Lendvay)

Presented by Austin Ford, Jett Gillum, Michael Ninni, Erica Ansburg, Lauren Lendvay; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 18; Business Administration

A 401(k) plan is a retirement savings plan offered by many American employers. An employee who signs up for a 401(k) agrees to have a percentage of each paycheck paid directly into an investment account. It was designed to encourage Americans to save for retirement. Graduating students should be educated on 401(k) plans because the vast majority of employers will offer such a retirement plan and it is important to know what it is and the benefits of it so that new employees can invest in it right away to ensure their future financial security. 

¡ú $100,000 > $100,000; Cost of Living (Macklin,?Macdonald,?Page, Moore, Provinzino)

Presented by James Macklin, Brayden Macdonald, Amanda Page, Trevor Moore, Bella Provinzino; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 19; Business Administration

Cost of living is on the rise. It's a vital part of the job search process and should be taken into consideration by all college graduates. Cost of living deals with factors such as salaries, taxes, insurance, transportation, lifestyle and other aspects. There are many aspects within a job search, but cost of living plays a major role within it. When college graduates understand each of these factors it allows them to explore different career options in various cities, while maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. This poster will convey to students how to consider the cost of living when job hunting.

¡ú Don't be broke get a Roth IRA today (Miller, Duwa, Morris, Miller, Addison, Bathje)

Presented by Patrick Miller, Carter Duwa, Joe Morris, Patrick Miller, Joe Addison, Jack Bathje; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 20; Business Administration

Our poster will describe the benefits of a Roth IRA  and why students and graduates should invest early to get the most out of their money. A Roth IRA is a retirement account that is tax free and requires no minimum down payment.  This retirement account can withdrawn after the person is 59.5 years or older. 

¡ú Excelling in the Workforce: A New Grad's Guide to Microsoft Excel (Carr, Martino, Johnson, Adams, Singdahlsen)

Presented by Daniel Carr, Kate Martino, Amber Johnson, Eric Adams, Erik Singdahlsen; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 21; Business Administration

Excel is a powerful tool that is synonymous with the business working world today. Companies use Excel on a day to day basis for a number of different features such as graphing, organizing data, analyzing data, and communicating results with other business departments. The goal of our presentation is to inform new graduates on some of Excel's main features, how to get certified, as well as how it can be used for personal use such as budgeting. The end goal is for students to be familiar with Excel and be able to recognize some of its key features when it comes to the hiring process.

¡ú Employee Benefits: Paid Leave (PTO) (Hanushewsky, Stapleton, Monte, Winn, Pham)

Presented by Matt Hanushewsky, Colin Stapleton, Giovanni Monte, Ella Winn, Lavie Pham; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 22; Business Administration

As a group, we will identify the benefits of paid time off and the subjectivity of the circumstances allowing employees to use such benefit. Students new to the workforce and professional environment may not fully know the benefits they can receive in paid leave in terms of compensation, PTO, and injury.  It is important for grads to know how to utilize the benefits given to them by the government and employers and PTO is one of those benefits.

¡ú Business Students and the Instrumentality Link Concerning Vocational Workshops (Hawes,?St?le, Navajas, Phillips, Iniguez)

Presented by Alayna Hawes, Bjarki St?le, Mikel Navajas, Nicholas Phillips, Ricardo Iniguez; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 23; Business Administration

The purpose of this research is to understand the differences between business students and non-business students at a liberal arts college and their participation or lack thereof in vocational programs. Furthermore, we want to see if the outcome of participation in vocational workshops is weighed differently between the two groups and the root of this cause. Thesis: We believe business students can find the same life purpose and personal achievement and fulfillment by going to vocational workshops as non-business students.

¡ú Business Majors Valence Study (Melese,?Tsague,?Buvary,?Nguyen,?Teklegiorgis)

Presented by Bemnet Melese, Jalane Tsague, Albert Buvary, Ly Nguyen, Hildana Teklegiorgis; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 24; Business Administration

A study about the valence for Business majors pertaining to vocational exploration.

¡ú Exploring Reinforcement Theory: Using Reinforcement to Motivate Participation in Vocational Events (Pearce, David, Taylor, Ford, Mendoza, Escarria, McNeill)

Presented by Logan Pearce, Brett David, Ethan Taylor, Austin Ford, Collin Mendoza, Mauricio Escarria, Reid McNeill; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 25; Business Administration

Our mission with this project is to explore the reasoning behind the lack of participation in vocational programs within the business field at higher education institutions.  Through our research we have found that there is a disconnect between how business students and non business students are perceiving the reinforcers and punishments associated with participation in vocational events.  However, where they are being perceived in a similar manner we have seen a differentiation in the strength associated with them.  Correcting this differentiations amongst the departments is the key factor in being able to motivate all students to attend the vocational events.  We see this project as a way for colleges and universities to improve their ability to put their students in a more prepared position to be both successful (and fulfilled) in their future careers.

¡ú Vocational events, is it Bussin' or needs discussion (Adamec, Gubbins, Alvarez, Martinez, Pearson, Dyer)

Presented by Bridget Adamec, Gianni Gubbins, David Alvarez. Fabian Martinez, Deven Pearson and Jesse Dyer; advisor Dr. Amanda Baugous 
Poster 26; Business Administration

The effects of individual differences on the expectancy link and how it relates to participation in vocational programming events around Å·ÖÞ±­ÍøͶ_Å·ÖÞ±­ÍâΧapp-Ͷע¹ÙÍø.



John Warhank, Spencer Warfield

¡ú Using Children's Rhymes to Learn Complex Sentences Using Presentative Statements (Warhank, Warfield)

Presented by John Warhank, Spencer Warfield; advisor Dr. Jen-Mei Ma
Poster 17; Chinese

My partner, John Warhank, and I intend to present a children's rhyme learned in Chinese-102, which illustrates well the different functions of prepositional phrases in both the English and Chinese languages respectively. We intend to use this opportunity to address as the utility of just elementary learning methods, as they have a profound effect on the learners exposed to them.


JACS Impact Outside of Chicago

Savonia Mahr-Threw, Brittany Murphy

¡ú JACS Impact Outside of Chicago

Presented by Savonia Mahr-Threw, Brittany Murphy; advisor Dr. Elizabeth Lawrence
Poster 1

Brittany and I were both part of the JASC internship this past summer and would like to share our findings. Brittany explores themes of what makes a home a home during forced Japanese American incarceration through a 15 minute podcast that just brushes the surface. Savonia focuses on the stories of Tonko and SJ Doi, a grandmother and granddaughter both impacted by Japanese American incarceration during World War II.