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Study skills workshops and one-on-one coaching

The Learning Commons offers many opportunities for students to address various concerns through workshops and one-on-one coaching. Here are some examples of topics typically covered in workshops and one-on-one coaching:

  • Time-management
  • Test-taking Strategies
  • Note-taking Strategies 
  • Stress Management
  • Improving Writing Skills
  • Improving Reading Skills
  • Mastering Group Projects
  • Goal-Setting
  • Civil Discourse
  • Social Media 
  • Overview of Learning Commons Services

Various workshop topics are offered throughout the semester. They are typically 45-60 minutes long. Students are encouraged to attend our workshops free of charge; there is no need to RSVP. Our most up-to-date schedule of workshops can be found below.

Civil Discourse Series

The Civil Discourse Series will include several events throughout the semester to encourage civility on campus. Read more about them.

Well-Being Labs

The Office of Well-Being and Resiliency, Student Counseling and the Learning Commons will offer a series of Well-Being Labs for the spring 2020 semester, covering depression, anxiety, time management, goal-setting and resiliency.

All sessions run from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Olin 109.

'Managing Depression' with William Iavarone

"Managing Depression" explores the beliefs and thoughts that underlying feelings of depression and teaches different ways to challenge those beliefs and thoughts through cognitive and behavioral change.

Dates are Feb. 11 and 18, and April 23 and 29.

'Anxiety Management 101' with Alyssa Matz and Allison Mirell

Alyssa Matz and Allison Mirell are student counselors. They will discuss what anxiety is and how it presents itself mentally, physically and emotionally. Learn about common anxiety symptoms and how to manage them and the benefits of proper sleep hygiene.

Dates are Feb. 13, 20, 27; March 17 and 31; and April 7.

'Foundations of Mindfulness' with Jake Romaniello

Jake Romaniello from the Learning Commons will offer the weekly series "Foundations of Mindfulness" in March.

March 3: "Mindfulness in the Body: Discovering your Body¡¯s Voice." Living life as an out-of-body experience is stressful. This session guides students through practices that connect mind and body, bringing about a greater sense of wholeness and well-being.

March 5: "Mindfulness in Feelings: Dealing with Difficult Emotions." Depression and anxiety are unavoidable. This session with give guidance and opportunities to cultivate happiness and practice powerful antidotes to sticky emotions like sadness and fear.

March 10: "Mindfulness in Thoughts: Exterminating the ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts)." Living with ANTS seems natural, but it doesn't have to be. Students will learn how to change stressful thoughts into more productive thoughts.

March 12: "Hindrances of Mindfulness: From Suffering to Well-being." Students will learn to identify triggers that lead away from mindful awareness.

'Reset: Resiliency in Action' with Farrah Roberts

Farrah Roberts is the director of student resiliency and well-being. "Reset: Resiliency in Action" includes hands-on activities and tools to help students strengthen their ability to cope with the challenges of college life.

Dates are April 9 and 16.

'Make it OK: Mental Health 101' with Farrah Roberts

"Make it OK" is an opportunity to learn, talk and share about how to begin changing attitudes and negative perceptions of mental illness.

Dates are April 14 and 21.

Time management, stress reduction and goal-setting with Yen Dao

Yen Dao is the director of student success services, Learning Commons.

Feb. 25: Time Management for the Stressed Augie Student. 

March 19: Adult Coloring to Relieve Stress. Experience one of the most popular methods of relieving stress by joining a session of adult coloring. 

April 2: Goal-Setting for Success. The first step to success is to set goals. Join a session of effective goal-setting. 

April 28: Laugh Out Loud. Laughter is an effective method of reducing stress. Join the group for an hour full of laughter.

One-on-One Coaching

Students may make an appointment with Yen Dao, Director of Student Success Services, to discuss any of the topics covered in our Learning Commons workshops, or any other study skills topic, free of charge, by emailing These sessions can range between 30-60 minutes depending on the topic and are personalized to the students¡¯ needs. Students may set up a one-time meeting or recurring appointments. 

Learning Commons services for faculty and staff

Let us come to you! Invite us to do classroom visits, attend your departmental or program meetings, and share information with your student groups.

Classroom visits: Going out of town for a conference? Don¡¯t cancel class! Instead, request a Learning Commons presenter to come for the duration or a portion of the class to talk about the services we provide in the Learning Commons or specific study, reading, or writing skills. Even if you do not need to miss class due to personal or professional reasons, we would love to attend your classes to present on any of those topics.

Departmental program meetings: New and returning faculty may have more specific questions or concerns about the services we provide in the Learning Commons. Invite one of our Learning Commons presenters to your meeting to share information with your faculty members. 

Student groups: We are also available to provide workshops for student groups who may need leadership, sensitivity, or study skills coaching training.

To invite us to stop by your class, meeting, or event, fill out the form below. Please give us at least a week¡¯s notice to ensure that we can make time to fulfill your request.

Request Form for Learning Commons Presenters