Viking Connections: Sarah Bagley
Sarah Bagley is the human resources director with the Glenview Park District in Glenview, Ill.
"I feel I have a unique career trajectory. I thought I wanted to be a counselor. Then I realized I didn't love it and tried to utilize my education in the business world.
"While I do use my education daily, it is not a "conventional psychology" career. I think I can offer a different perspective to the typical psychology student or even business student. Also since I am a human resources professional, I can look at resumes and advise students in a different way."
Graduation year: 2004
Post-grad: Masters in Educational Psychology (Community Counseling)
Major: Psychology
Campus activities: Psychology Club, Sigma Pi Delta sorority, worked at front desk of the dorms
? Best way to contact her: Email or phone, 847-431-7822